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Goat, Moose, Black Bear – British Columbia #183

ABout this Adventure

This is an outfitter we have dealt with for over 18 years and he has a record of producing high success on exceptional goats that have reached 11-inches plus for one of our clients. Besides being extremely successful on goats, the outfitter also produces well on giant Canadian moose averaging in the 50-inch class or better and with success rates in 80 to 90% range. His goat hunts are quite strenuous as they depend on clients walking abilities. Both styles of hunting call for lots of glassing and spotting, but for moose calling is a favorite tactic. The outfitter also has wolf, black bear, grizzly bear. They outfitter operates in northern BC near the Smithers area.

This outfitter has two styles of moose hunts. The first is a fly-in trophy hunt, the second a lodge-style drive to meat moose hunt which is physically easy. Both hunts are relatively easy with lots of sitting and calling on lakes and swamps. Minimal walking is required. The outfitter can access some really good areas by ATV or pick up.

The lodge hunts for moose are by vehicle and run from mid-September to mid-November. These should be considered “meat moose” hunts, but they do take the odd big bull, and the average is a very respectable 40”. Success runs about 80%, with most hunters shooting the first bull they see (which we think is smart).

Fly-in hunting camp The fly-in camps are for the serious trophy hunters wanting a big Canada moose, usually 50 inches and up. These moose get as big as 60” and average around 50”. All fly-in guided hunting camps have log or frame cabins insuring you stay warm and comfortable. Moose hunting season is an excellent time for combination hunts for goat, caribou, black bear and timber wolf. Lodge hunts run from mid-September to mid-October and are excellent as combination hunts for black bear and/or timber wolf.

2024-2026 PRICES (subject to change without notice until deposit received; all prices USD)
10-day fly-in trophy moose hunt – $17,500 per person 2×1; $22,500 per person 1×1
(Sep 10- Oct 10)

10 day local drive in–$8,500 per person 2×1; $12,500 per person 2×1 (Sep 15- Nov 15)

Canada is home to a very large population of mountain goats. Mountain Goat hunts run from the first of August to the middle of October. Goat season runs parallel with Moose, Caribou and black bear hunting seasons affording hunters great opportunities for guided hunt combinations along with their mountain goat hunt. You need to be in very good to excellent condition for these backpack hunts. You will do a lot of walking and glassing and climbing. Hunts involve a large degree of serious backpacking to obtain good trophy billies. Clients must be in excellent physical condition, able to walk, climb and carry a 35lb. backpack in rugged country. They also must be mentally prepared to suffer the hardships of being wet, cold and at times uncomfortable (as in many hunts but expected in Goat hunts.) Packers are available in advance only. Packer cost is approx. $175 per day for the duration of the hunt payable in advance with the hunt balance. We strongly suggest hiring a packer for most hunters.

This outfitter also offers a very limited (just 2 per year) goat hunt with a guaranteed opportunity (provided you are a serious hunter who is willing and able to hunt hard) at a trophy goat. If you don’t get an opportunity, he will allow you to come back the following year to try again, on the house!

Season: Aug 1st – Oct 1st
$18,000 for an 8-day back pack hunt.
10 day fly in—1×1 $22,500

Butch: I wish to report to you a very successful hunt with your outfitter #183. We took this beautiful Mountain Goat on the first day after 800 yard stalk. If he is representative of all your outfitters, I will be obliged to look no further than your firm in booking future hunts. This Mountain Goat unofficially green scored 53 inches. Horns were 11″ and 11 2/8″, bases were 6″. Outfitter said it was the biggest Mountain Goat he has ever guided to! Roger Britton, taxidermist said he has only seen one in his career as large or larger!! Outfitter is a very hard working and personable individual. Just being able to encourage this 55 year old sack of bones up into Mountain Goat country was a feat in itself. As I told him, please feel free to use me as a positive reference for your services. Best Personal Regards, Tim V.

BLACK BEAR – May 1 to June 15
6-day spring bear hunt – $4,250 per person 2×1; $7,150 per person 1×1

Prices are in US funds and include meals, accommodations, guide, transport from airport or hotel in Smithers BC to camp. Prices do not include 5% goods and service tax (GST), gratuities, alcohol, any cost associated with shipping hides, meat, antlers or horns, any hotels or related costs before or after your hunt. Also not included are any unscheduled charter flights.

This is a hunt for Canadian Lynx, big footed, big bodied predator cats. At the time of year you do these hunts, they will be in their thick winter coats, making superb trophy mounts. IN winter daylight is in short supply so you start out early and have breakfast around 6AM. You then hit the roads, checking for Lynx tracks. You will see plenty of country! They pack you a lunch as this is an all day hunt.

If a fresh sizeable track is found, and if it is early enough to insure a treeing, they will release their hounds. Hounds are specialized and know their business. Recovery of the dogs is next if no cat is treed. Then return to camp for a late dinner.

These are nearly 100% successful. Wolf is also available as a target of opportunity. Good wolf numbers, so you may get lucky!

This is a fun hunt, often with extreme action. The music of the hounds is something you will never forget as it rings out across the Canadian wilderness. Hunts run from November 15 to February 15. This is a British Columbia winter hunt!

7-day lynx hunt – $3,500 per person 2×1; $5,500 per person 1×1 (Nov 15- Feb 15)

I had the caribou officially scored by a Boone and Crockett measurer. He grossed just under 420 and nets 407. Hell of a bull! Thanks for the memories. Take care, Zach, Montana

I wanted to take a moment to again thank you for what can only be described as truly the “hunt of a lifetime”. That is an often over used phrase, but in this case it is completely accurate. To take a magnificent 10 year old stone sheep ram after such a memorable stalk is something that I will always remember. To, in the same 14 day hunt, also take a great moose and an even greater mountain caribou is unbelievable. To say that the area is game rich is a real understatement. It has been my experience with outfitted hunts that when you take a great animal you have a tendency to excuse or forget things that did not go so well or aspects of the hunt that were not positive. Looking back on our hunt I could not think of a single thing that fit in either of those categories. Feel free to list me as a reference for future prospective hunters. I would be glad to talk with them, particularly those, like myself, who are a bit older and may think that their sheep hunting days are behind them. Bob R.

You are allowed to bring your personal firearm with you. This includes your rifles, shotguns or muzzleloaders (NO HANDGUNS!). For your firearms, a simple one-page form is required to be filled out to obtain a temporary Canadian firearms permit. This form can be down-loaded or mailed to you well in advance from The Royal Canadian Mounted Police at Click on the link on the left hand side for visitors/non-residents, then download the NON-RESIDENT FIREARM DECLARATION (form RCMP 5589/CAFC 909). Completing this in advance should reduce your time clearing customs. DO NOT SIGN IT UNTIL YOU APPEAR IN FRONT OF CUSTOMS, but fill it out. A confirmed declaration costs a flat fee of $25, regardless of the number of firearms listed on it. It is only valid for the person who signs it and for those firearms listed on the declaration. It is a simple form to fill out. IF YOU HAVE A DUI OR A CRIMINAL RECORD, CALL US! YOU MAY BE DENIED ADMITTANCE. NO FORMS ARE REQUIRED TO BRING YOUR HUNTING BOW INTO CANADA!


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