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Boat And Fly-in Mountain Goat, Brown And Black Bear – Alaska #361

ABout this Adventure

The owner of this fine operation started guiding in 1978 and has been a registered guide since 1984. With over 45 years of professional experience guiding hunters throughout Southeast Alaska he has accumulated a wealth of knowledge of the areas and trophy animals he specializes in. As your captain he holds a US Coast Guard certified Operators license and is also a commercial fisherman during the off season. His head guide has been guiding since 2011 and has also guided throughout Southeast Alaska for brown bear and mountain goats. He is passionate about hunting and sharing Southeast with clients and fair chase ethics. He is knowledgeable of not only the hunting areas you will be hunting but the waterways as well.
Located in Southeast Alaska they specialize in boat hunts in unit 4 on Admiralty Island and unit 1C the Southeastern Coastal Mountain Range. Their customized hunts focus on Brown Bear, Black Bear and Mountain Goat. The knowledge you will gain from these guides is priceless as it can only be obtained through experiencing it yourself. With your guide taking you to the best hunting locations in Southeast Alaska, you will have the advantage of coming upon some serious trophies.
While on your guided hunt, take in all that is offered in one of the most scenic landscape of Alaska. The scenery and wildlife that surrounds you will be and experience alone to take home and talk about.

The most effective way of hunting Southeast Alaska’s coastal wilderness and its endless channels and islands is by boat. Aboard this spacious 50 foot Motor Vessel you can enjoy home cooked meals, hot showers and comfortable bunks after a hard day hunting. The boat is equipped with two 18-foot long range hunting skiffs. While cruising along to different bays, hunters use the boat as a spotting platform while underway, glassing nearby mountains and meadows for big game. After you anchor in a quiet secluded cove you and your guide will head out for the actual hunt in your skiff, hunting many miles along the shoreline, explore hidden passes and tidal meadows. During fall hunts you will stalk up the many salmon streams in pursuit of the big bruins. Their Southeast Alaskan guided bear and goat hunts are among the best in the region.
Hunting late season mountain goat from the comforts of a boat is the only way to go. Not only are mountain goats in their prime with long shaggy coats during these late season hunts but at the end of a hard day hunting you can always look forward to come home to a warm comfortable boat with great home cooked meals and your favorite beverage.

Southeast Alaska’s coastal wilderness offers a multitude of wilderness hunting opportunities. Not only the hunting, but the scenery alone will also offer an array of spectacular shots for an avid photographer. On any given day you could encounter a school of orcas or humpback whales, sea lions sunbathing on rocks and other wildlife in their natural habitats along the shoreline. The wilderness and scenery here is like nothing you have experienced before.

They want you to think of their home as more than a wilderness hunting trip in Alaska. Take a day excursion up one of the carved fjords, winding slowly around icebergs lined with seals, and spot mountain goats perched on 3,000 ft. cliffs. Or just simply take advantage of viewing bears in their natural habitat. From mid-July through August, the Alaskan brown bear and black bear congregate along the streams and rivers to feed upon the spawning salmon.

Their two prime hunting areas include the entire west coast of Admiralty Island National Monument in unit 4 and one area in unit 1C Coastal Mountain Range on the Southeast Alaska Mainland. Admiralty Island is known for having the worlds densest population of Brown Bears. Brown Bears typically range from 8 ½ to 9 ½ feet squared with some larger bears taken occasionally. Depending on weather conditions the average success rate has been 90% over the last 6 years.
With the two 18 foot Lund skiffs equipped with new 40hp Yamaha motors they can cover miles of coast line ranging as far as 30 miles from the mothership during spring hunts. Brown Bears are coming down the mountains from their dens to feed on sedge grass hungry after hibernation. Glassing the snow covered mountain sides for tracks leading to the beach, bears are usually spotted from the skiff along beaches and tidal meadows.
During fall hunts you will stalk through the rain forest along steams full of spawning salmon where Brown Bears fish in the shallow riffles known to them. These locations have been very productive for many years and that’s where you will set up for the evening ambush. Experience the anticipation and sudden thrill when encountering these bruins up close. They promise that this hunt will be nothing short of exciting and also one of the most successful hunts.
These spring and fall Brown Bear hunts in unit 4 Admiralty island National Monument are organized to accommodate no more than two hunters per hunting trip. The third spring hunt in unit 1C southeastern Mountain Range is for one hunter only.
By limiting these Brown Bear hunts to two hunters, one on one ratio and with eleven days to hunt they can provide you with a quality hunt being selective taking only mature large male bears. They know how to organize and conduct a hunt in a professional manner using top notch equipment. You will be in good hands with guides who spend years hunting in the harsh weather and rough terrain they know by heart locating brown bears and maintaining a high success rate year after year.

Unit 4 Admiralty Island:
Hunt 1 April 29- May 10, 2 Hunters only (SOLD) $29,000
Hunt 2 May 10- May 20, 2 Hunters only (SOLD) $29,000
Unit 1C Mainland:
Hunt 1 May 3- May 14, 2 Hunters only (SOLD) $29,000
Hunt 2 May 17- May 28, 2 Hunters only (SOLD) $29,000

Unit 4 Admiralty Island and 1C Mainland
September 15- September 25, 2 Hunters only (SOLD) $29,000
All spring and fall hunts are 11-12 hunting days. Observers $500 per day.

Black Bear hunting possible on 2. Spring Brown Bear and on Fall hunt after both Brown Bear have been taken. Because of the area change from Admiralty Island to the Southeastern Mainland there have to be at least 4 days remaining of the trip. There is a $2,000 Trophy fee if Black Bear is taken. On Hunts in 1C Southeastern Mainland where both Brown and Black Bear inhabit the area. Since it does not require an area change the trophy fee is $1,000 if a Black Bear is taken.

Alaska hunting regulations state that any bear wounded and not recovered will count toward your bag limit for that year. Please work on your shooting skills. After your arrival they check your rifle for zero.

Hunt the meadows and tidelands during Spring or stalk up salmon streams in the dense rainforest of the Coastal Mountain Range to try your luck for trophy sized coastal Black Bear. Most Black Bears taken square over seven feet. Catch your own shrimp and crab or try your luck fishing. All fishing gear provided.
Spring and Fall Hunts 7 full hunting days- two hunters minimum. $8,500 per hunter. Observers $300 per day.

The wild glacial landscape of Southeast Alaska’s Coastal Mountain Range has the highest density of Mountain Goats in the world and can be easily accessed by boats through its deep fjords. Their late season hunts for Mountain Goats in the Fords Terror Tracy Arm Wilderness Area have been unsurpassed by anyone. Year after year their team has been producing consistently Boone & Crockett trophies with 100% success for most seasons. These mature billies have been averaging over nine inches year after year. The three nine day hunts start the end of October and finishes the middle of November. Seven full hunting days with only two hunters aboard not only maximizes your success but also means you can afford to be selective bagging large sized billies only. In addition, by October/ November the long hair on these goats is extremely prime which makes it one of the most eye catching trophies you will ever earn!

Due to rutting and snow conditions goats will inhabit lower elevations making the hunt more enjoyable and possible for physically less able or older hunters. These late season boat based hunts for Mountain Goat from the comfort of the 50 foot vessel are truly the golden goose of goat hunts. At the end of a long hunting day you can always look forward to come home to a warm comfortable boat with great home cooked meals and your favorite beverage.

Fly-in Mountain Goat hunts to remote Alpine Lake
Hunt 1 July 31- August 9 (one hunter, 7 hunting days) (Sold)
Note: If 2 partners want to go this could be extended to 10 days and still be 1×1
Hunt 2 August 22- 31 (one hunter, 7-10 hunting days) $18,500 per hunter
Charter on goat hunts runs around $2,000-$3,000

Boat Based Mountain Goat/ Black Bear Hunt
September 3- September 13 (two hunters, 10 hunting days) $18,500 per hunter.

Boat Based late season Mountain Goat Hunts
Hunt 1 October 20- October 28 (One spot) $24,000 per hunter.
Hunt 2 October 28- November 5 (One spot) $24,000 per hunter.
Hunt 3 November 5 – November 13 (2 spots) $24,000 per hunter. (Sold)
Hunts are 9 days overall with 7 full hunting days.

*Pick up from airport when they are in town.
*Lodging and meals on vessel along with beverages and beer. (Bring your own liquor)
*Trophy Care inclusive boxing of salted hides and skulls and meat care.
*Fishing gear (rods and reels, crab and shrimp pots, etc)

*License and tags.
*Shipping of trophies.
*Air charter from Juneau roundtrip to vessel. This is generally a four way split between two hunters flying in to the vessels and two hunters flying out to town. Depending on location of vessel estimate cost for Brown bear hunters is $250-$300 and for Mountain goat hunters $300-$400. You pay the charter service directly by cash or credit card.

Alaska airlines is a year round carrier into Juneau. Delta also operates during the summer months. Juneau can be reached either through Seattle or Anchorage. They would recommend to arrive in Juneau one day before your hunt to make sure your luggage kept up with you especially on hunts when you are scheduled to fly out to them on a charter flight. Weather can be a factor affecting flight schedules especially on goat hunts. It is recommended you purchase flexible tickets and purchase travel insurance to protect your trip.

Phone: 307 637 5495 email: Website:

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