A 3.5% surcharge applies to all credit card transactions.

Butch Manasse Outdoor Adventures and Safaris Worldwide, LLC (hereafter Hunt Nation) acts solely as an agent for the outfitter by arranging your chosen trip. The actual outfitters and their guides alone are the ones who provide all the actual services and accommodations. Therefore it is agreed that Hunt Nation shall have no liability for losses, expenses, damages, problems or injuries that occur due to the negligence or failures of the outfitter/guide or due to price changes. The actual conduct of the trip and its related activities is beyond the control of Hunt Nation and accordingly, Hunt Nation cannot and does not make any guarantees or promises as to the success or quality of the actual hunt/trip you have booked. Hunt Nation also does not make any representations concerning the weather, or the finances, or the equipment, ground leases or guides of the outfitter, all of which can change regularly.
Any matters concerning cancellation are to be resolved solely between the outfitter and yourself. Hunt-Nation will always do our best in attempting to resolve/answer any questions/concerns. Because Hunt-Nation cannot be present on your trip, it has no control over things like weather, your physical condition, game movements, guide territory or hunting areas, equipment, guides hired, guides physical abilities and attitudes, food, lodging and a host of other factors. Therefore, it is your obligation to resolve any issues directly with the outfitter. This is best done WELL BEFORE the hunt is over, so the outfitter can attempt to fix them, if possible. Leaving early causes problems as the outfitter had no chance to rectify anything. You can also call us at Hunt-Nation during your hunt.
The client acknowledges and understands that the trip can involve certain risks, particularly where firearms, rough terrain, vehicles, remote areas, wild animals, tree stands, horses, boats and the like are involved, and he accepts those risks.
The client is also responsible for obtaining, paying for and securing all transportation to get to the trip area. The client is responsible for obtaining all licenses and accommodations not included with the trip package. The client must be familiar with and read all applicable hunting and fishing regulations – ignorance of the law is not an excuse if any Game Warden questions you.
It is understood that Hunt-Nation shall not be responsible for the return of any deposits and/or payments to you due to any cancellation or any claimed defaults. Such matters must be resolved with your outfitter directly and promptly. However, if you book a trip and pay a deposit, and then decide to cancel or default on subsequent payments, your deposit will be forfeited.
One possible alternative is to purchase travel insurance through us or others, which can protect against some of these types of problems. The cost is modest so please inquire about it if interested. Hunt-Nation will voluntarily try to assist you with a problem, including working to try and get you a full or partial refund or a discounted return hunt from the outfitter. By attempting to assist you, it is agreed that Hunt-Nation assumes no liability. Client also acknowledges that trip insurance can be purchased that may provide compensation for cancellations, some trip problems, and other expenses. It is solely at your discretion to purchase that insurance or in the event of any litigation, it is agreed it will take place solely in Wyoming. This document must be signed by you before any trip can take place. If you refuse or fail to sign it, we have the right to cancel your trip, or at our sole option, to treat your deposit as equivalent to signing this document. There are no refunds unless the outfitter agrees to it since he normally has your funds in his hands.
All persons going on the trip MUST sign this contract including observers. If a minor is going, his legal guardian must sign this contract. Please notate next to your signature the minor’s name you are consenting to this contract for. If there is insufficient room for all members of party to sign this agreement, they can sign a separate agreement.