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British Columbia Moose, Mule Deer, Big Horn Sheep and Bear

South-eastern British Columbia has long been a prime destination for outdoors folks due to its great scenery and it wide variety of animal species. But we also know of many outright crooks in this area- guys who make great promises and fail to deliver! Not so for this long term outfitter of ours. In this area you find: bighorns, mulies, Shiras moose, goat, various bears, elk and whitetails, plus mountain lion and bobcat!! So it is a prime location for a multi-specie hunt. However, this area is also rife with unethical outfitters, so we are especially careful in who will agree to book for in this area. This outfitter has repeatedly proven himself to be one of the best in that area. Our last client took his moose in 3 days, hunted mulies (took one of those too)—then fished! We are proud to represent him and offer you his hunts. One client of ours had this to say about his October hunt for moose and mulies:
“This is probably the very best of all the hunts I have been on! The outfitter stayed involved through-out the entire hunt and he made my satisfaction his first priority. I took a nice 47” Shiras moose and a very respectable 4X3 mulie. After the hunt they continued to entertain me, taking me all over for sightseeing and game watching. I highly recommend him!.” Kenny S.
Said another reference: “Runs an excellent camp and hunting operation-camp staff remained enthusiastic and focused on their efforts throughout the hunt. I was pleased with the hunt from start to finish. A highlight was the lovesick bull moose chasing the poor cow around the pond in front of camp-and also spotting so many sheep on the mountains-last day was as good as the first!’
The outfitter has 25 years experience in this area and he has capable guides and good horses. He has a number of camps, some accessible by road, some only by horseback. Camps are log cabins, comfortable and clean, but a bit rustic. They have showers, electric or propane lights, beds with foam mattresses and the other necessities. Elevations are 4,000 to 8,000 feet. Sheep hunters need however to be prepared to backpack, spike out and rough it. This area has one of BC’s largest bighorn populations- but hunts are very physical and expect to be challenged. Book sheep hunts at least 2 years in advance! Rams must be full curl to be legal. You hunt with both a spotter and a guide. Success is close to 100%. And if you want a nice mountain goat hunts are nearly 100% success! Best hair is after Oct 1st. Also, sheep and goat can be combo’d with other species. And they have good success on black bear and also on grizzly bear!!
You will need to bring a sleeping bag and a day or back pack, depending on specie hunted and type of hunt. Hunting is done spot and stalk. Depending on your wishes and physical capabilities, you will either hunt by horseback, or from quads and pick-ups. Area has a wide variety of game, and a late season mulie migration showed one client some deer in the 28” or better class- but smaller is more normal. We like the moose/mulie combo a bunch. Elk hunting is normally good also, with the area being a 6 point minimum on one side! Opportunity is generally in the70% to 80% class. Calling is a favorite way to hunt. His archery hunts should be very productive as well. These elk tend to have a lot of mass. His Shiras are second to none- and no draw! His mulies are good. Whitetails are harder to find. Mulies range from average to excellent, with cold weather helping. During the mulie migration we understand you may sometimes see 40 to 50 or more deer in a day! And all have guaranteed tags-no draws to worry about. Just book and go!
ATTENTION GUN HUNTERS: BOWS AND GUNS: You are allowed to bring your personal firearms with you. This includes your rifles and/or shotguns. For your firearms, a simple one-page form is required to be filled out to obtain a temporary Canadian Firearms permit. This form (CAFC 909) can be down-loaded or mailed to you well in advance from THE CANADIAN FIREARMS CENTRE at click on the link on the left hand side for visitors/non residents, then download the NON RESIDENT FIREARM DECLARATION (form CAFC 909). Completing this in advance should reduce your time clearing customs. WE at BMOA can help you complete it. Do not sign it until you appear in front of Customs- but fill it out. A confirmed declaration costs a flat fee of $25, regardless of the number of firearms listed on it. It is only valid for the person who signs it and for those firearms listed on the declaration. It is a simple form to fill out. IF YOU HAVE A DUI OR A CRIMINAL RECORD- CALL US! You may be denied admittance with a firearm.
Note from Butch: These moose are Shiras for SCI purposes, but not for B&C.
NOTE: All prices quoted in $US; GOODS AND SERVICE TAX not included.
License and tags are extra.
Additional $150.00 required for the NON RESIDENT HUNTER PRESERVATION FUNDNON-HUNTER per day $200
Pricing does not include 5% GST, license, tags and nonresident hunter fee of $200.
Hunt Type Length of Hunt Price (US$)
ELK archery 7 days $4800
to combo with deer or bear add $1800
9 days
we have some openings
left during the rut
BIGHORN SHEEP 10 days Call for Quote
Goat combo with deer or bear add $1500 9 days $12000
almost 100% success rate
Moose combo with deer add $1500 9 days $9500
MULE DEER/WHITETAIL DEER/wolf 7 days $4800
add $2500 to combine with bobcat or lynx 8 days $6500
GRIZZLY/BLACK BEAR COMBO 14 days $8000 with $4000 kill fee
BLACK BEAR (1 bear hunt)
2 bear hunt add $1500
SPECIAL two hunters to one guide fall black bear
7 days $4200
$3200.00 each
Single Species WOLF 7 days $5500
NON-HUNTER per day $200
Pricing does not include 5% GST, license, tags and nonresident hunter fee of $200. or government royalty.

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