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Aoudad- Texas #123

ABout this Adventure

3 1/2 Days Fully Guided $5,250 per person 2×1

These hunts have been gaining in popularity and price every year and sell out quickly. So call now to reserve your dates. Most competitors are at $6,000-$7,000+! This is a 2-on-1 guided hunt in West Texas for free ranging aoudad (Barbary sheep). This hunt will be on very remote and private ranches. All meals and accommodations are provided. Sheep can run up to 34” and will average 27” to 31”. They can accommodate up to 4 hunters at a time. They take a total of 22-24 hunters per year, and have been running these hunts since 2010. In all that time, only 1 hunter went home without an aoudad. It doesn’t get much better than that!

Our client Jesse R, had this to say about his recent hunt:

“Great guides and a multitude of sheep abound on this Ranch. Great food and cook and all around an excellent experience.” Jesse took a beautiful 29” ram!

Cost: $5,250 Fully Guided 2×1 3 1/2 Day Hunt, including food and lodging
Non-Hunting Observers $250/day License: Non-Resident Five-Day Special Hunting $48
$1200 deposit holds your dates. The remainder is due upon arrival at camp.
(prices subject to change without notice until deposit received)

2025 Aoudad Hunt Dates: SOLD OUT
Arrive the day before and depart the day after. Pick up from El Paso airport can be arranged for $250 per person for 1-2 hunters, or $150 per person for 3 or more hunters.

These hunts take place in the mountains of West Texas, on over 50,000 acres (with a year-round population of aoudad, but some also move back and forth across the Mexican border). Although you can cover a lot of ground on 4 wheelers, this hunt can be physically demanding and it will be to your advantage to be in good physical shape, although they can accommodate most hunters. You hunt elevations of 4,500-6,500 feet on some rugged rocky terrain in a typical desert habitat; rocky slopes and good balance and quality boots and footwork do help. Temperatures range from 20 degrees to 85 degrees. Shots will average between 150 to 350 yards, although terrain can cause some shots to be 400+ yards. These are tough animals and we recommend at least a .270 rifle. Javelina are sometimes available as well, at no extra charge.

Arrive the day before your hunt. Sight-in your rifle, and likely go hunting that afternoon. The closest airport is El Paso, TX. Meet the outfitter in Van Horn, and he will lead you to camp, about another 25 miles.

These are free-ranging sheep that have been wild in this area since the 1940s with outstanding genetics for large sheep. Aoudad or Barbary sheep are native to the desert mountains in the Sahara region of northern Africa. They were introduced in 1950 in the Canadian River Canyon in New Mexico by the state game department, with hunting by drawn permit. Some of these animals wandered across the southwestern portion of the United States and as far as Colorado and Oklahoma. Abundant in the wilds of Texas as a result of state-sponsored releases and private releases, the aoudad is a superb game animal; it is exceptionally challenging to hunt and makes a superb torso-mount with its flowing leg chaps. A very modestly priced sheep hunt for a magnificent trophy!


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